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Vaygr Empire
Caldera Empire

The Caldera Empire follows the ship designs of the EVE Online Caldari State. They have several bases on different servers and many ship designs. Unlike most Starmade factions they commonly accept young individuals into their ranks.


 (Their Website)

(Their Forum Page)

The Vaygr empire is ruled by a single entity; the Emperor and his trusted admirals. They have little time for politicians or a ruling council, They function solely through a military hierarchy. They have three branches; Military, Engineering & Construction, and Industrial. The functions of each branch are self explanatory.

The faction gains power generally through military conflict, in these conflicts they field what we refer to as the "Leviathan Force", they then attach smaller units and subfactions to achieve the goals after the main conflict is over. The strategy they use for war follows specific written detailed doctrines that will remain secret to all but the emperor and the admirals.

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The Calderon Republic Allies​


Allies are important. They provide trade and supplies. They also aid you in battle and protect you when you lose. The Calderon Republic has two such allies.

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